You have done good things.
It reminds me of the song, “Beautiful Things.”
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things
Out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things
Out of us
If you look at what large organizations have accomplished in the missions field, the teeny bit we’ve recently achieved seems miniscule.
If you ask Markenley and his family about their life today compared to just six months ago, they will tell you your contribution is everything.
I mean everything as in EVERYTHING.
Is it because they can now wake up and go to school, dressed in the pride of a uniform and confidence of a budding education?
Or can it be because they can sleep at night with the knowledge that tomorrow night they will also have a home in which to sleep? (For an entire year, their rent is paid and, with it, the rent of the school they also house.)
Is it because their stomachs don’t sink in, anymore?
Or that, for the first time in a long time – or maybe ever – they have medical attention and the possibility of employment?
But my guess is that, far beyond even those stunning changes, something new and powerful has taken root in their hearts.
You made that happen.
Maybe you gave a little; perhaps you contributed a lot.
To them, it is everything.
Without you and your heart of giving, there are 12 people in Haiti whose eyes would still be numb to the possibilities.
That number grows when you consider the dozens of families with students to whom you sent gifts and letters of encouragement.
Their lives would be less.
In Haiti, that’s tough to imagine.
Thank you.
From me and from them.
Thank you.
I see God in you and it is a beautiful thing, indeed.
(To listen to Gungor’s Beautiful Things and, trust me, you want to, click HERE.)