It seems it should be tougher than this:
1. God put a desire in my heart to go to Haiti.
2. I prayed that He would guide me, if my wishes reflected His, and then I expressed my desire publicly.
3. Within two days, I received an invitation to go from someone I’d never met.
4. I shared with friends and family my desire to help Haiti meet its needs.
5. My friends and family helped me reach my necessary financial goal.
6. Today, I spent the day boxing up the supplies provided by caring neighbors.
7. Monday, a generous company is providing the shipping.
8. Next Sunday, my husband and I, along with a team of eight others, will board a flight for Haiti.
9. For nearly a week, we will meet medical, physical and spiritual needs in a country that desperately needs us.
When it is God’s will, there is a way.
You don’t have to sit at home in your chair, wishing you could help.
If you can’t get the images out of your head of hundreds of thousands living in the streets and mud, left without family, food, shelter or health – if you ache to be there beside them, lifting them in any way possible from their desolation – maybe you’re in the middle of Step 1.
You’re just a prayer away from the rest.

Weatherizing our Haiti home (we will leave it in Haiti for another family’s use) in front of our USA home. Can anyone make sense of God’s lottery?