And so begins the year of 50!
Oh sure, you can also call it 2013 and even the year of the snake, if you love reading the table mats at Chinese restaurants.
But this will be no ordinary 12 months. In July, God willing, I will celebrate—and I do mean CELEBRATE!!!!—my 50th birthday and I am psyched!
I’m not certain why God has given me this long to hang around on earth, since I’m not exactly the best steward of the many gifts he included during upload to my mom’s belly.
Seriously. I look around at those who died far too young and am baffled at times that the lottery keeps smiling my way. The list of things I don’t do right is long.
Last week, for instance, I visited my sister and came across the cute sterling ring my niece had inadvertently left behind. I slid it on my finger and wore it throughout my stay. Quite frankly, if my sister had not reminded me TWICE to take it off before I left, I would have headed home with it on my hand. It looked great there! I’m sure that, eventually, I would have returned it to my niece—unless she forgot about it.
Did I mention that I’m nearly 50 and tempted to steal from a teenager?
I’m also lazy at times, am a chronic procrastinator, can’t seem to stay organized, don’t make nearly enough time for my friends, cuss like a sailor on occasion, and toss pistachios back into the bag when their shells are locked tight. Let ‘em be someone else’s problem!
Just between you and me, I think God is curious to see how I’m going to turn out, so he lets the angels step between me and disaster (sometimes self created) at times.
This year, they might need their A game. I’m ramping up for some serious adventure!
In July, I’m planning to hike for 5 days to Machu Picchu in Peru with my husband and son, who will have just graduated from high school and will be stepping into his own future. I’m beyond excited and plenty nervous about my capabilities.
To prepare, I’m dragging my fanny off the sofa and onto the jogging trails so that I can run (haha, yeah right, I’ll run—think stagger) a half marathon in March. Pretty convinced that will be in no way be good for my health!
Pretty sure something cool’s gonna happen in Montana this year, too.
During 2013, all bets are OFF and the sky is the limit!
I also want to giiiiiive! Which brings me back to my list of flaws: Sure, I show up and do things for others because it helps people, but holy cow, it’s also this lifetime’s headiest drug!! I am utterly addicted to how I feel when in the nitty gritty of being there for someone else. I don’t have much money, but I don’t have to work a lot, so I have puhlenty of time!
Oh dang. Which cycles me back to those gifts God gave me in the beginning. Despite my ability to create beauty through words and photographs, I don’t do nearly enough of either.
Did I mention this is the Year of 50?
Here are just a few of my plans!
50 published images.
50 published blogs.
50 authors. (Haha. OK, five.)
50 acts of kindness.
50 healthy habits.
50 adventures. (If I get the chance, I’m taking it! Do the things you fear the most FIRST!)
50 notes to friends.
50 notes to strangers.
50 learning opportunities. (Study! Grow! Learn!)
50 volunteer moments.
50 shares (beginning with this one:
Seem like a lot? Yeah well, so do the years that God has inexplicably given me. Time to show Him my thanks by living joyfully!
Stay tuned—the Year of 50 has begun!

Linda Makiej - Congrats!! I hit 50 a few years ago and it is still getting BETTER!!!
Sherri Eisenhuth - Awesome blog post again Cheryl… you are outta control… love it!!! I cannot wait to watch the year unfold for you
Chris Vonada - Happy Year Of 50 Cheryl!! I’m right there with you, December 1 is my day. Excited to see what God has in store
Tonya - I’m a few years PAST 50… piece of cake. Love the fireworks display.
Dee - wonderful post, had me giggling more than once. Looking forware to following your images through the year. Just dropping by fromP52…Happy New Year!