All I see now is the remarkable resourcefulness of the people. I had heard no progress has been made in Port au Prince clearing the earthquake debris, but I see lots. Sure, it’s unlike any city we’ll find in America. There is plenty of rubble, filth, chaos and barely navigable roads – in nearly equal proportions.
Yet the level of destruction that was everywhere over a year ago has morphed into something else – heavy construction equipment, bustling roadside vendors and fewer topsy-turvy roofs.
True, it’s not enough and there are deteriorated tent cities everywhere, but it is something. The people I’ve met here keep moving – giving up is not an option they recognize.
But enough of that.
All I really wanna write about is Markenley!
He is sitting beside me, quietly playing a game I brought him. Every time that reality nudges up against me, I smile.
He has stepped from my dreams and into my Life.
It took a bit of struggle that no longer seems worth mentioning. What are cancelled flights and swiftly changed plans when finally watching a boy you cherish smile?
On Monday morning, I could barely focus. I knew that what had become a full-fledged quest would soon be satisfied – I’d get to hang out with the family of the kid who has monopolized my thoughts since the day we met!
I was beyond bummed that, thanks to the postponed flight, it would be impossible to meet the students of Markenley’s school. Many of my friends sent gifts and letters to specific children and my goal was to return home with photos.
I have to trust God on that one and accept that His plan is better than mine – even when I’m not alone in my disappointment.
Markenley’s uncle, who runs the school, distributed them Tuesday morning and I can only imagine the students’ surprise and delight. Pierre Jacques says they were thrilled. It happened without fanfare or my camera hovering – and perhaps that’s best. They are uncomfortable with spectacle.
I feel such appreciation and respect for those of you who gave so thoughtfully!
When it was finally time on Monday to head to meet Markenley’s family and deliver the gifts, I had butterflies that surely could have lifted our van above the streets! (That would’ve been quite the improvement, since the potholes and traffic make travel tortuously slow.)
It’s all a bit of a blur now.
When Grant, Sam and I got out of our van, Pierre Jacques was waiting for us. He extended his hand in greeting – and I was so excited that I threw my arms around his neck! Never mind that he’s a dignified man, a pastor in Haiti. He beamed right along with me!
The rest is precious history… forgive me if I wait a bit longer to write it. I’ve only got a few hours left in Haiti with Markenley and I don’t want to lose an instant of it!
P.S. We heard there was a 5.4-magnitude earthquake here yesterday, but don’t know if that’s true & we never felt a thing.
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Joseph D. Fritz - Cheryl, I just wish to say that I appreciate the huge heart you have for many, many things, especially about a young man in Haiti. Of the few folks I follow on Twitter, I find your comments and related stories filled not with whimsical fluff, rather heart filled emotional information. Sure you have your lighthearted tweets, but they even add to my enjoyment of following you.
I need NO response to this. It simply is a voice from the Internet saying that you have God in your heart and soul.
May as many of your hopes and wishes gain momentum and are soon realized.