I’m a mom of two young adults (What? My daughter is almost 26? When did that happen?) and the wife of an amazing man and, at heart, a loner who doesn’t like to be alone. Some days, I want to jump on the bed and laugh joyously and, other times, I can barely suppress the temptation to crawl under the bed and hide from the world. Bi-polar? Nope… just a girl!
Truly, if I wasn’t me… me, the one whose path veered, no CAREENED wildly from what I envisioned as a kid instead into disarray and dysfunction, and then ADVENTURE… if I WASN’T me… I’d wish I was! I am exactly who and where I am meant to be … right here with you!
Wendy Tobin - Amazing first part of your story! It seems your story is as unboring as mine and I haven’t really been outside of New England… much. 😘
Can’t wait to read more
Barry Todd - Your words speak eloquently of the heart, soul and spirit of those called “artists”. They convey the struggles of those of us who most often feel alone in a crowd, yet long to share time with kindred spirits. I have never considered myself an artist, I merely give in to the overwhelming need to make “things”. If people perceive my makings as art it warms my soul, if not, I’ve still released a form and spirit from within wood that may well have been burned or decayed back into the earth from which it came. Follow your dreams, they will take you to places you could never have imagined!
Cheryl Lewis - Thank you, Barry. It’s so rewarding to connect with someone who understands!
Cheryl Lewis - Thank you, Wendy! It has been fun getting to know you…