My daughter is an amazing and talented person. Last night, she opened up to me and shared that she has been resistant to my plans to go to Haiti, because she is afraid for me.
It’s true, there are risks.
She understands, because she is heading to Swasiland in Africa this July. At only 17, she, too, has a heart for those who hurt. I know her stamp on this world will be beautiful.
She designed a t-shirt to help us raise funds to help Haiti. Like her, it brings happy tears to my eyes:

Savannah’s tees can be ordered for $20/black or $15/white. All proceeds after cost go to Haiti.

Tracy Stutzman - How do I get one? I’m a member @ Eagle Pointe and scheduled for the April Trip.
Justine - Hello,
I am not sure if you are still takin orders of these shirts, but if you are I would love to have one. Please email me back either way.
Thank you!